Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Initial Tests Done and My Reaction So Far

The first class of the 2nd semester is over and step one of my TIP is complete. Gathering data on their initial reading fluency scores. I conducted 1 minute oral reading assessments that assessed their words correct per minute, and their ability to use proper expression, volume, pacing, and phrasing.

My initial reaction? Well, I have a feeling that this reading fluency focus would be better with a younger group of students. Despite the fact that almost all my students are not native English speakers, their scores tended to be quite good. This leads me to think that there's just not going to be much room to grow with this group. Y'know, part of me was hoping to have some major breakthrough with tremendously needy and weak readers. Well, dang it, it turns out they can read just fine without me, thank you very much!

Oh well, the flipside is that these gr. 8 students will have the maturity to make some pretty sweet podcasts!

Here's an image that captures my facial expression at the end

of a workweek.

(actually, it's Jakob. On his first glass bottomed boat ride)

1 comment:

Sahngyoon David Seo said...

Hey Chris, I miss you and it is my pleasure to see the photo that I hope to see it. Thank you for your comments. As you guess I started a huge project, but I am exciting through the process of statistical data coding to find new themes. Maybe I can find a correlation between ER and writing fluency. The following week, I will demonstrate the results of analysis of students’ online essay in three different levels such as the 2nd, 4th, 5th grade and contrasted according two different cases: a) amount of reading books: less than 30 and b) 30 to 60. Please, visit my TIP blog and have fun.