Saturday, February 16, 2008

New Week, New Reflections

This post will be a short reflection on what has been accomplished so far, and what I need to think about for the next week.

Students spent last week working in groups in the lab on their first blog. Today's the day that the first section hands in their first podcast. That means that individuals will begin working on their own projects at home. The first individual pcast is due next Saturday.

As for data collection, I'm considering putting together another survey to gather their opinions about podcasting. I'm not sure what exactly I'll ask on it. I think I'd like to find out if they enjoy pcasting, and if they feel it's positively impacting their oral reading. I wonder if they see a connection between the activity and its purpose.

As it is now, the TIP is underway and I basically have the next 2 weeks to watch and see how it develops.

Oh yeah, last week I took some video footage of the kids working in the lab. It should provide the visuals for the MM presentation. I plan on creating an audio track that plays over the video that combines my voice with snippets from their podcasts. The theme of my MM presentation is "change", or "progress", or "growth" or something like that , and hopefully I'll be able to show how student's oral reading ability improved over the course of the study. I think it should come together nicely.

1 comment:

Sahngyoon David Seo said...

According to a dual-coding theory, your Ss will take advantages, because visual and verbal information are stored in different ways to the individual learner’s brain. Therefore, when a teacher exposes students to images or video with verbal input, they may store knowledge more effectively than learners who do not have these multiple inputs (Grabe, M. & Grabe, C., 2004, cited in Paivio, 1986). The reason is the former students save information in two memory codes instead of one.
Now you support your Ss using blogs and pods with visual and verbal modes simultaneously. Excellent, Chris.

Aren't you miss Korea, Dae-jeon and CIC? I miss your voice, when you led a praising team. May God bless you and your lovely kid.